Sunday, April 1, 2012
Microsoft extends 'Smoked by Windows Phone' challenge
Microsoft's Windows Phone Challenge isn't without controversy, but apparently it's also popular enough to warrant going on a few extra days. The contest was set to end on March 29th, but Microsoft is extending it until April 5th, with a few tweaks to the prizes. For each remaining day of the contest, only the first 100 people to lose the challenge at each Microsoft Store will be eligible for a free phone. The next 500 will be offered a $25 gift card if they lose, but won't be required to recycle their "smoked" handset to get the card. If anyone can manage to pull out a victory over Windows Phone, there's still that $1000 Hunger Games-branded laptop up for grabs.
Even with the contention over what constitutes a win over Windows Phone, extending the contest seems to be sign that Microsoft is pleased with how it's going. In fact, limiting each store to 100 free phones a day for the remainder of the challenge might be a testament to just how many it has already given away. Considering how we found the the odds to be greatly stacked in Microsoft's favor when we took the challenge, we wouldn't be surprised if the company just didn't have the inventory to extend the promotion without altering it. So if you think you've got what it takes to beat Windows Phone, or if you just want to wave the white flag and get a free device, there's a few more days to head to a Microsoft Store and take the challenge.
Source : theverge
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