An unlucky, or maybe just too curious child managed to fall down a 40-feet deep well in a village near the Chinese city of Mengzi yesterday, leaving firefighters scratching their heads as to how to get him out.
The problem was, the rescue harness the firefighters had to hand was for an adult. Every time they tried to lift the child from the well using it, he slipped out and fell further down the hole. From the video footage released it seems as though he slipped out of view making the rescue all the more difficult.
Then one of the firefighters has a great idea: attach an iPhone to a rope, turn the camera on, and lower it down to the child. It was then possible to see his exact position on another phone via the video feed and lower additional ropes for the harness around his body to better grab him.
The video certainly helped, and the child was brought to safety. It looks like the ropes nearly choke him in the process, but a subsequent visit to hospital confirmed he was fine. I’m sure he has a new fear of wells and tight spaces, though.
I think just as impressive as helping save a child is the fact a signal was maintained by the iPhone 40 feet underground. Sure, there was still the well to allow a signal to get down there, but it could have just as easily cut the feed due to a poor connection.
Source : geek
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